Pop Shot Paparazzi Claudia Valentine
10 years agoPop Shot Paparazzi Claudia Valentine
10 years ago
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Claudia Valentine
Claudia Valentine is a world famous actress and is constantly being chased down by the paparazzi. Lately she hasn't been making the big magazine covers or getting the big roles. She needs a scandal to get her back on top, but to do this professionally she needs to pay a large amount of money that she's unwilling to pay. Remembering that the paparazzi is just outside her house she comes up with a plan to get her back on top. Nowadays it's all about sex videos and who better to have a scandalous video with than a lowly paparazzi? She comes outside and tells the young photographer that she has a story for him and that it would be the story of his career. When they come inside she immediately starts taking off her clothes to the shock and awe of one of her biggest fans. Ms. Valentine is so fine and amazingly hot he can't hesitate to let her do what ever she wants with him. Wold you turn down Claudia Valentine? I wouldn't!! Enjoy! (18+)
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