Jentina Small in Virgin Sub Wants To Be Spank Slut - PascalsSubSluts
7 years agoJentina Small in Virgin Sub Wants To Be Spank Slut - PascalsSubSluts
7 years ago
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Pascal's Subsluts
Jentina Small
Jentina Small: Virgin Sub Wants To Be Spank Slut Jentina Small’s 30, she’s Dutch and she’s been doing porn for a year. The only experience she’s had of sub-dom sex was when she played around with it one night with an old boyfriend, over ten years ago. Very vanilla stuff, she never dabbled with it again, and yet here she is, moist at the thought of being a PascalsSubSlut, and doing the following for all the world to witness: - Vaginal fucking - Physical domination & verbal abuse - Spanking - Bondage - Orgasms - Deepthroat & face-fucking - Squirting - Masturbation - Cumshot & swallowing Jentina’s one of those nice wholesome girls who’s actually a total slut. As she says in her interview, she’s never had any one-night stands – she’s very much a boyfriend kind of gal and she’s been with her current fella for a very long time. But she’s got a very high sex drive. This, and maybe her age, prompted her and her partner to approach a company in Holland specialising in couples porn and shoot some stuff for them. Other offers came in, then offers for Jentina to fuck other guys on camera on her own, and that’s how things developed and everybody’s happy – the boyfriend’s happy to support her and Jentina’s very, very, very happy to be able to fuck lots of fresh cock on a regular basis (and get paid for it) and still manage somehow to be a… erm, good girl. So what is it about PSS that’s drawn her to Chalkwell Bay? Quite simply, she’s got an itch to scratch. She’s clearly wondered about BDSM over the years but it’s something that she hasn’t explored in her relationship with her partner, for whatever reason. She’s up for really testing her limits, so that’s how we play it out when we turn the camcorder on – dead straight, with her just being herself, a yummy mummy (she’s got a kid) who wants to get hardcore kinky for the first time in her life. And it works. She’s got a feeling she’s really going to enjoy the spanking and she does, she gets off on it big time and P really doesn’t hold back, leaving a mosaic of beautiful red splashes and slashes across her buttocks. A quick word about chronology, because it’s all over the shop this week. We shot the photoshoot first because Jentina had been in the UK for five days, fucking on different shoots each day, and we were wary that maybe she was a bit burnt out and we wanted to warm up her before doing the solo video. So the photoshoot vid we’ll be putting up on Saturday is actually the first contact Jentina had with P and it’s hot. Then we shot the solo. No idea whether our approach worked but she cums at the end so who cares? (And apologies for not putting her back in her clothes in order for her to step out of them again for the solo. Our bad.) And then we shot the scene. So yeah, in terms of timeline it does a right old zig-zag across the week, quite the opposite of the way we usually do things, but getting the girls in the right zone for us to perversely profit from their arousal will forever be our priority. Real subs, real sex, real orgasms. It’s what we’re about. Please enjoy.
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